Investment Training for Local Governmental Entities Seminar
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2024 PFIA Seminar Registration Form
Basic Session
The Basic Session will be 6 hours and starts at 8 a.m. New investment officers will need to attend the full six hours to fulfill the training objectives of the PFIA.
Standard Session
The Standard 4 hour session starts at 10 a.m. and is designed to meet the objectives for renewing required PFIA training and give valuable insight into the current and future economic impact on investing.
Who Should Attend
Texas Legislation requires investment officers for most governmental entities to have 6 hours of training within one year of assuming the position of investment officer. All investment officers must have an additional 4 hours training in each two year period after their initial 6 hours of training. Anyone associated with a governmental entity is invited to attend this informative seminar.
Certificates of course completion will be given to those attending the full sessions. Attendee names will be reported to the State Comptroller per TX Water Code Chap. 36.
CPE Credits for CPAs
The firm has registered with the Texas State Board of Public Accountancy as a CPE sponsor. There are no prerequisites for either course. Six CPE credits will be given for the Basic Course and four for the Standard Course. The courses are designed to meet the objectives required for PFIA training and give valuable insight into the current and future economic impact on investing.